
Not much has changed so far. Starting location was shifted very slightly.

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Less details

Here we start again with the detail reductions.

The sloped shelves got removed along with the lights on the roof as they shared the same sector splits.

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Less details #2

Another angle, the cash register was also simplified a bit.

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More details!

This time around we have more details than earlier iterations. There is a small place in the wall for the key card itself, most of the other stuff just got moved around.

The reason for adding the wall might also reduce the amount the engine has to draw while allowing to add some more geometry variety in to the otherwise dull room.

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Less details #3

The single palm tree was removed (It was a bit out of place) along with simplifying the top of the wall which surrounds the building. The "Duke Nukem must die!" sign was probably lowered so that it is more visible.

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Demolition booth

Roughly the same spot in both screenshots. A booth was added and the switches that operate the demolition got moved inside it. This was probably added as it's a bit silly to have the switches out in plain sight.

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Demolition switches

Aside from the slight texture scaling that was done, the switches work the exact same way.

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Demolished building

Some slight adjustments got done with the shapes of the ruins along with some height changes.

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The sewers below

One possible reason for the geometrical changes and height is the sewer entrance. Instead of having it out in the streets, it was moved inside the rubble and for that reason it has to be closer to ground level.

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The sewers below #2

Due to the changed spot for entrance, it only makes sense to change the sewers to match. Mostly the geometry is identical and the ends of the tunnel got simply swapped.

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Behind the toilet

This was actually handled quite differently in the older iterations. Instead of a wall that acts as a door, you explode the wall behind the toilets from the other side first and you have a gate that locks your entry until you unlock it from the other side.

This is kind of overly complicated and looks rather ugly so it might have simply been a placeholder.
Also some texture swaps got done.

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In front of the toilet

Due to the explosion, the backside looks a bit different.
It's also easy to notice final touches with the shading differences as the later version has higher contrast.

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Bar overview

Texture got moved around a bit in the counter along with having only one TV screen in the later version, second one can be seen in the back. Also some bottles got added near the lady.

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Bar simplifying

Cash register was simplified yet again along with changing the doors that have the red key card. In the later versions the doors simply slide to the sides unlike the earlier iterations which are half-open and rotate like regular doors.

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More details! #2

The entrance to the air ducts got moved inside the wall by a few units. This probably also helped with guiding the player as the slope would push him inside the correct location along with providing more detail in the geometry.

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Exit trap

The trap got moved further away, might have been that during testing some people managed to make it to the other side safely before getting fully trapped.

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Other dropped features

Floor magazines

You can find these laying around in the "forbidden" porn magazine store.

If you "use" the blue magazine then you will get a security camera view on inside the magazine which is located elsewhere in the map.

Floor magazines #2

This one seems to be inaccessible by normal means, must either be a test version of the previous screen or simply an easter egg that got removed as this got the axe.

Alternate start

Hidden in the map is also an early version of the starting area! For some reason this got cut away even though it would have added more variety.

Alternate start #2

Behind the garage doors, dead doom marines surround the alternate start for some reason.

There is a room with armor along with the familiar lift seen normally. The lift takes nowhere and functions the same as the regular one.

Alternate start #3

Looking back outside from the alternate entrance, probably it was deemed too complex and reduced the frame rate as the visibility range would be very big.

Extra room

It is unclear where this room would have been linked in, possibly somewhere in the city streets due to the light that leaks in after the explosion.

Might even have been yet another starting location as this explosion is triggered from the inside.

Hover over the picture to see the exploded state.

2D maps in browser

0.99 beta

1.0 shareware